Art as resistance against political violence


Despoten der Gegenwart
Despoten der Gegenwart
Despoten der Gegenwart
Despoten der Gegenwart
Despoten der Gegenwart
Despoten der Gegenwart
Despoten der Gegenwart
Despoten der Gegenwart
Despoten der Gegenwart
Despoten der Gegenwart
Despoten der Gegenwart
Despoten der Gegenwart
Despoten der Gegenwart

Despoten der Gegenwart (Despots Of The Present)

In wake of the Syrian revolution, I was forced to leave my country and travel to Germany, which created a distance between me, my real world and all my feelings and emotions I carry within [me] towards Syria. Maybe the exile helped me reproduce and describe the pictures in my imagination.

A photography project about the masked new monsters of Syria: ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) and partly also the parallels to the Ku Klux Klan.
Material: Nails, condoms, doll arms, chicken skin, fabric, cardboard.

"I obtained masks from a market in al-Riqqa, the bastion of ISIS back in 2013. I decorated the black masks with beads so they looked closer to oriental dancing suits. Then I sewed the masks on a satin background so they resembled the old traditional covers in my country." 


Hiba Alansari

Hiba Alansari